

In order to use this tool, you need to load in staff information. This information is compiled as a CSV File under each quota embed found in the parse history channel. Copy the contents in each currentweekResetData.csv file and paste them in the textbox below on a new line. Once done, press the Load Staff button.

If you want to use the pub halls configuration, please select this checkbox:

If you want to switch the date to use the past week, then please select the checkbox:

If you use the date format yyyy-dd-mm then please select the checkbox:

Please use the following search query to load every CSV file within the month:

Please use the following search query to get total runs during the month:

If there are missing staff, you can add them by using the text box using this format:
Leader ID,Leader Nickname,Currentweek Total,Total
392908116448116736,ඞSu | Lag,0,0